Moonstruck, I Find Balance…
The First Quarter Moon and the Ritual of Balancing
The moon symbolizes feminine energy, the force behind my creativity, and the source of my emotional existence. When I gaze at the moon, I want to howl, to reach out and bathe in its untamed light. I feel a silent connection with the moon, an unspoken understanding. I love it, and it’s woven into the fabric of my life.
Nothing in this world is more sublime than the balance in life, that shared emotion of the impossible made possible, and the cultural transcendence between human and spirit. A profound exercise in manifesting all that balances around us; that’s what balance is!
That’s the balance I aspire to and adore with all my heart!
It’s been many years since I first learned about balance, and much has happened to me before I truly understood what it means – the balance between life and death, light and darkness, love and fear. As we approach the First Quarter Moon of December, I want to find my balance and look at the sky with conscious peace.
If I made wishes and set intentions for the current month during the new moon, now it’s time to find equilibrium, become one with the Moon, and be embraced by its mystical energy. I know I need this. I need to remind myself, moon after moon, of the balance that keeps me strong and courageous.
As I mentioned in the previous article, “Moonstruck, I Wish…”, the Moon ritual isn’t abstract or dark; it’s simply a conscious awareness of all we are now. Imagine these rituals as an exercise in self-discipline, a creative way to put on something white, light a candle, and sit consciously with yourself and your wandering thoughts.
Is that so bad? Is that something that wouldn’t benefit you? I don’t think so; I’m sure of it.
Everything we do consciously for our well-being is part of our desire to be better, more prosperous, and more in tune with our talents. So, let the Moon’s balance embrace you and be intentional in your simple need to find your balance.
Let’s begin!
First Quarter Moon Ritual
The balancing ritual symbolizes your desire to be in harmony with your life, symbolizing self-love and personal responsibility. The rules are the same: start a few days before by setting your intention to find balance, and then mentally establish the kind of balance you desire. This ritual can be done indoors or outdoors, alone or with friends, partners, or family. As a moment of balance, I wish for a day full of emotional, physical, and social balance.
Once again, let’s start by preparing a space indoors or outdoors. You’ll need:
- White candles
- Objects you cherish and want to charge with the moon’s energy
- White clothing
- Music
- The paper from your New Moon intention ritual
The ritual itself is usually quite similar for each phase of the moon. The difference lies in your intention. This time, you intend to find balance, harmony, and a natural alignment with everything in your life. Once your intention is set, your soul will know what to do, and your subconscious mind will begin preparing for the ritual.
Next, put on something white, choose music that opens your mind and helps you focus, and light your candle(s). You can use as many as you like and arrange them however you please. This is your ritual, so you can just personalize it. Arrange the space (a table, desk, chair) in a way that brings you joy and satisfaction. You can add flowers, crystals, necklaces, bracelets, tarot cards, photos, essential oils in a diffuser, incense sticks, decorative objects, etc. – anything that pleases and awakens your inner divinity.
Settle in comfortably, close your eyes, and acknowledge what you’re about to do. Take ten deep, conscious breaths, then open your eyes and gaze at the candle’s flame. Listen to the music and visualize the peace behind balance enveloping you in a pastel pink light with simple, matrimonial white sparkles. Close your eyes and find that place within you where you feel safe and loved. Stay there, stretch out, breathe, and gently allow the magic to rock you. In that moment, you find balance and let the universe’s magic carry you to a space of safety and tranquility.
Stay in that moment for as long as you desire. Be there and feel good!
Don’t think about anything else; visualize yourself being gently rocked in the arms of the Moon, which is softly balancing you.
You are enough!
First Quarter or Waxing Moon December 11, 2021
The First Quarter of this year is also the last one. So, use its mystical energy to find balance after the passing year. Meditate, sing, dance, hug yourself, and do whatever you need to feel better, more prosperous, and more pure. In this ritual, the Moon’s balance comes solely for your balance. Become aware of what balance means to you and why you need it.
This is what I will do! I love balance; through it, I healed and cheated death. But this time, I need to remind myself again why I need balance in my life, why its presence ennobles my existence, and why its absence gnaws at me from the inside out. I invite you to embark on a personal growth and healing journey with me.
This is me, but you are your balance; use it wisely! Remember, balance is a deeply personal journey, and you have the power to shape it according to your needs and desires.
Recommendations for the First Quarter Moon
Recommendations from Naturopathic Doctor Florin Lele for the First Quarter Moon Day, according to the Holistic Planner 2021:
Assimilation, regeneration, rest, accumulation and absorption, intellectual activities, exams or negotiations, supplies, planning, shopping. With reduced food intake, the body gains weight quickly. Absorption of minerals and vitamins is effective for any treatment. Introspection and self-reflection, solving problems related to the past, self-improvement, centering on oneself. Joy, conquest, flirting. The influx of energy, vitality, and power. Superficiality and indecision, deceptive and troubled feelings. Skin is sensitive to the effects of radiation. We learn to receive, appreciate, and value everything that comes to us. Inefficient cleaning, dust settles more easily.